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University Equity and Inclusion

Building Inclusive Community

Small, but Significant Ideas

The Ideas that Ignite Change series shares practices to enable us to build and sustain our community instead of coexisting in hostile proximity.

Each email blast starts with a message to spur reflection from Anna Branch, Senior Vice President for Equity, and includes resources from short articles to books and videos to put the idea into practice.

The alternative is to shut down and retreat to our ideological corners. Resist that urge and stay engaged.

Start small, read, and reflect on the ideas. When the opportunity presents itself, and it will, try one out.

Ideas that Ignite Change

Bridging the Gap 2025 Fellows

We are partnering with Interfaith America to train a cohort of faculty and staff to be Bridging the Gap fellows. In fall 2025, they will work with the broader university community to increase our collective capacity to:

  • Respect diverse identities and recognize that differences can enhance our experience in the Rutgers community.
  • Engage from a place of curiosity, not judgment.
  • Believe that we are enhanced by listening carefully to those we disagree with.
  • Foster mutual dignity by seeking understanding.
  • Agree that we can fundamentally disagree with someone and still honor their dignity and our shared humanity.
Bridging the Gap Fellows

Investing in Our Faculty

The Faculty Diversity Collaborative intentionally bridges across four CLUs, leveraging the scale and size of Rutgers to: 

  • Provide individualized and targeted supports along the faculty life cycle
  • Expand cross-campus networking, mentoring, & community building opportunities to reduce isolation
  • Support culturally responsive mentoring
  • Increase effectiveness at navigating identity-related challenges in leadership roles

From longitudinal cohort-based programs to drop-in skill-building workshops, everyone can benefit from cross-campus networking to combat isolation, develop skills to support inclusive mentoring, and engage in the community-building opportunities offered by the Faculty Diversity Collaborative (FDC).

Colorful building blocks of different shapes and sizes fitting together

Speak Up! Universitywide Bias Prevention Campaign

Speak Up! is a call to action for all members of the university community to respond when they observe bigotry and to be vigilant about disrupting personally held bias. 

Speak Up - Disrupt Everyday Bigotry

Enabling Transparency and Accountability

More than just words, part of our institutional commitment in launching the University Diversity Strategic Plan was to promote transparency and accountability for progress.

Work Towards Inclusion – Tracking Progress – Rutgers University Equity and Inclusion

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